Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm better than I thought I was

God I love tests... I've always been good at them. Yesterday I went forth to my local temp agency for my interview. I've never seen someone so excited as was my placing agent looking at my scores (a hundred across the board - basic, intermediate, and advanced, OhMyGod I've just never seen it ever!*gush gush etc ad naseum) It felt awesome. I'm very happy because this means that I'm at the top of her booking list. I should be gainfully employed within days. BooYeah for me!

Yesterday also marked the return of my son from his father's one week visit. It never ceases to amaze me how daft my ex can be. He took son-son off his ADD meds because he was too mellow and the other children weren't having any fun with him. Ok, I can understand that children who seem attentive to what they are doing don't seem as vivacious and children running and screaming around a pool or tv screen but where's the harm in having him paying attention to a game he's playing or book he's reading or hell even if he's focused on his swimming strokes. Not yelling does not equal not having fun. So I get him back hyped up on pop and junk food so bad that he's dropping his drinks, unable to sit, or stand, or put together 5 words to make a basic sentence yet I'm the bitch because he's on his meds in the summer (or weekends or christmas break) UM HELLO these are potent chemicals dealing with the inner workings of our son's brain. Isn't it likely that abrubtly removing the chemical will do more harm than good. Goddess knows it wasn't my idea to put him on the f'n meds in the first place, but now that he's on them to randomly start and stop giving them to him can't be good. I'm so glad we finally have a pediatrician that I can talk to. Of course I have to wait until October to see him. Crap. K, venting done and I feel better.

Went for my run/walk again today. Once again I made it about 1/4 way around the block before I had to walk the rest of the 3 laps but some is something which is better than yesterday. I skipped yesterday. I feel sort of bad about that. Mostly because between the interview and waiting for little man to come home I did nothing. No walk, no cooking, no cleaning. I did alot of the vegging thing. I'm not going to beat myself up for it.
I'm delving into my step 5. I guess you can call it research. I'm looking up healthy meals to prepare for myself and the family. I know that I've been eating too much over ... welll ... my lifetime so it's time to start getting back to the basics. Meal planning, portion control, chewing.... yes even chewing. Anyone that has ever seen me eat knows that I don't chew enough. I generally wait until I'm ravenous before I eat, and end up stuffing myself silly as fast as I can and regretting it seriously afterwards. I discussed meal planning with James, who agrees that it would make everything much simpler (for me) and is basically head bobbing from there. Nothing like passive reinforcement. I shouldn't complain, at least he is supportive. This is better than most people get. I'm sure his head bobbing here is much like my head bobbing when he starts talking about frequencies, wavelengths, milliamps and whatnots that just don't interest me at all but are the building blocks to one of his favorite hobbies and upcoming profession. We'll see how the family reacts to more beans and veggies vs. sweets and whatnots... Hell we'll see how I cope with it. I've had a massive sweet tooth as of late! Wish me luck.


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