Saturday, September 30, 2006

So much for your promises

Last night was like every other. There was no walk because as I entered the door I was assaulted by bills that needed to be paid, homework to needed to be checked, supper that needed to be cooked, notes to the teacher to write, pets that needed to be fed, and a myriad of other things that clammered for my immediate attention. My sweetie brilliantly hiding downstairs with his new toy (a palm pilot) and my son working with great dedication either on his homework or staying out of my way. I'll give most credit to my darling boy. He has decided in order to give me a break that he'll do most of what I expect of him solo now and reserve actual schoolwork for our time (I have him do grade 3 review books as well as school assigned homework). If it weren't for the dozen other things in my world pushing and pulling me about, I might have actually gotten my walk in despite my husband's inattention to the promise he made. My only frustration with Brandon last night was with our nightly reading. We are reading the BFG. a kid's novel given to Brandon by my sweetheart Kagami. The book has nonsensical words in it like gogglers and scrumdiddlyumptious. Occasionally when these words pop up I ask little man to translate these words into human speech. This he finds extremely difficult. He can't seem to move past the literal of it. I took him several minutes, for example, to decipher that gogglers were eyes. I wonder if free association can be taught or if it is a natural ability one has or doesn't. I'm hoping as we progress through the pages he'll become more familiar with the author's use of language. Already he is becoming more confident with his reading. He is hesitating less and enunciating more. I am gaining more confidence as well, that Brandon is actually getting something out of our time together.
I do notice however that Brandon is still excessively clingy and while I'm not actively discouraging it, I sometimes make him wait for a hug or kiss until I'm finished with what I'm doing, so he doesn't get the impression that I'll drop everything for him all of the time. It's a tough love approach I know, but I feel that there have to be some boundries placed on affection. It wouldn't be good for him to grow up thinking that affection should always come on his schedule of whims.


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