Thursday, May 12, 2005

Super Hero Syndrome

Well it’s been brought to my attention that I suffer from Super Hero Syndrome. My boyfriend gave me the diagnosis. "The world was full of injustice before you were born, it will be full of injustice long after you’re dead."
Well, dammit! I know that, but it isn’t right or fair for the dozens of people whom I personally know to face crisis alone. I know that there is nothing that I can actually DO, but I can be there for them, can’t I? I can become invested in their lives, try and comfort their pain, lie awake nights trying to figure out their problems for them? Right? Ok, well maybe that’s where I go wrong. But sometimes it works. Sometimes I’m given the divine inspiration that makes it all work out fine. You didn’t see my boyfriend complaining when I figured out his problem and fixed it. Nope. He had no complaints. Then why is it wrong when I obsess (and yes, I realize it is an obsession) about someone else’s problem? How is that inappropriate?
The way I figure it, if more people became invested in the lives of their friends or family, at least in the sense of helping them out with the occasional crisis, we would be a lot better off. There would be people that actually felt they mattered. People with self worth are more productive than people without. (Does that sound like justification – I think it is…) eww, now Mr. Rogers is in my head!
Now I’ll qualify my last statement. Routine crisis people, you got to cut them loose – Their crisis’s either become fantastic and way out to lunch because their new crisis is just that important, or they keep rehashing the same crisis, which is terribly mundane. You can only solve the same problem so many times… Ya know?
But I suppose it boils down to this.
I want to be a superhero. I want the people in my life to know I care… My ‘Give a damn’ isn’t busted. It works just fine.. as a matter of fact it may even be too finely tuned. I want to offer my help. I want to care. I want to spread a little sunshine to those under a rainy cloud. I want to be considered a good person.
Blink Blink)
How’d that get in there…
Ooh, selfishness at the heart of it all. That’s something I’ll have to think about. Is it a selfish thing to want to rescue people in your life? Is it that self important, arrogant "What on earth would they do without me?" thought of my last post? Is this why I want to help people…

Arrg.. This makes my head hurt…

Do I want to help to be helpful?
Do I want to help to be thought of as helpful?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Take Care...

It occured to me the other day about the phrase "Take care of yourself".
What is meant when we say it, and is that what we are actually saying? You never say 'Take care of yourself' to a child. At least I never have. You almost always say the phrase in parting for an extented period of time. Sometimes it is said to friends, but mostly to people to which you're not that close to.
Which then leaves me to wonder if it is a resignation of sorts. Are you really saying 'I can/will no longer take care of you, so you must do it alone' ? Or are you hoping and in your head somewhere disbelieving that they are capable of taking care of themselves without your assistance.
That particular thought strikes me as arrogant, but how often is it true? It could be a mental thought of 'Dear Goddess - What on EARTH will they do? How will they manage without me in their life to straighten up for them.'
Or could it just be that in this, a time when everyone is Dog Eat Dog and looking out for number one, that the speaker of the phrase is stating the obvious in a sugar-coated way. Are they saying, 'I have no interest in your life anymore as it fails to amuse me' or alternatively 'it is far to much effort to maintain an interest in you for the amusement that I get'
What are we really saying when we say 'Take care of yourself'? Is it the nice/sweet thing to say as you watch someone you've invested your time in leave? Or is it a selfish arrogant thing said as a unitentional jinx? Or is it a resignation of the little bit of influence and care that you've provided?
Of all the slogans of parting, why would we chose this phrase? Do we mean what we say? Or is it not considered as it leaves our lips, that we are saying not the 'I will miss you, until we meet again' that we hoped to say, but a heartless 'Fend for yourself' instead.

Until we meet agian, I will miss you.